Mariajose's Day

In this video my baby sister Mariajose is trying to create her own youtube show. She gets her influnces from watching youtube family shows were they play games and open new toys.

No More Books!

In No More Books! I am projecting my video onto a bookscase. I want the video to portray the loss of use of books. It was interesing how after developing my video and installing the meaning changes compared through just a projection.


Not Your Ordinary Piano

This is a critical interactivity in which the unexpected happens. In is a deveopment from an older project that I did for sound art. I wanted the viewer to experice the unexpected and get surprised. clickhere



To go to Tommy's World click here. Tommy's World is about something so simple can look so complicated. I want the viewer to feel the stress of complexity and find the solotuion to how simple things can be.


Never Ending Love

I created this image with Photoshop. This image represents the longing of love that someone can give and recieve.



To create this image I used illustator to create a new type of flower like subject I wanted to play with sape and color to see what I can create.



This is an image I created using an audio program called audacity. I converted the image into sound and used the sound waves to mess around an distort the image of a father with his son at the park.



This is project using Photoshop. I wanted to create a new look and use characters that people know to make something different.

Net Art

This project was made through three.js. This project shows a little sneak peek of what how a code can animate and make a movement on the screen.


This piano was made through processing. This was my first attempt on making an instument with code and using frequencys that are not so easy to figure out. This is a video recprding on what the pion does as you interact with it.